Monday, June 18, 2012

Note from the Editor: Update on DarkestGoth site...

Friends & Fellow Goths,

You may have noticed a few things this past weekend with the launch of the new DarkestGoth Magazine website.  Some good, some not so good. I just wanted to address a few of them and let you know what's happening on our end.

1) DGM Launch on Friday - We were extremely happy to make our launch date of June 15th, as we want to make sure that we are always a magazine you can depend on.  The amount of content wasn't huge, but that's because a lot of content will be released on a periodic basis so that there will always be something cool to check out at your DarkestGoth Magazine.

2) Mira Nocta - There's been a lot of excitement about the new Gothic festival that will be in Lexington on August 24th-26h.  One of the questions folks have been asking is: When can I start to support the Kickstarter campaign and get tickets, etc.?  The answer is: soon.  We had intended for the Kickstarter campaign to be live day-and-date when we launched on Friday but there were a few unforseen delays which should be dealt with shortly.  As soon as it's live, we'll have our teams get out the information so you can get your tickets and the other cool gifts related to the event!

3) Beta Login issues - One of the things mentioned in our launch was that we are testing out a pretty robust community and achievement backend for the site.  As such, registration is currently in a beta form.  Part of what beta allows is for new users to help us find out where glitches are occurring and folks were quite helpful therein.    As such, improvements on the Beta Registration will be coming later this week!

4) Site Down Currently - We've recently encountered some downtime from the hosting provider that our team has been using for seven years.  This is unacceptable, as our readers need to know that they they can go to DGM whenever they wish and that it will be available.  As such, we will be switching hosting providers in the next week to one that we've researched heavily and who has made the right choices to improving reliability and dependability.

We appreciate your patience with the different snags related to the launch and look forward with anticipation to getting them firmly behind us as we move ahead!

-GV Pasclato
DarkestGoth Magazine
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