Friday, May 25, 2012

The Shadowed Thoughts of Silas McBane #6: Meet Yourself, Part #1

Okay, let's be straight.  In the time we spend getting to know one another via this brilliant publication, you'll see a variety of moods and sides from your friend Silas.  I'll lift you up, make you laugh, incur your wrath and at times utterly confuse you.  Safe to say I'll be all over the place.  But I don't necessarily want to introduce you to me.  I want to introduce you to YOU.  Yes, you.  I don't think you even know who you are.  You know what you like, dislike, what you want, don't want, etc.  But do you really know who you are?  You are brilliant.  You are gifted, talented, beautiful in ways many will never experience or comprehend.  You are a blueprint for success.  Look, we know we're different.  That's a widely understood view among the wonderfully dark community.  Are you just different because you dress differently, or is there something much deeper?  The latter, I think. 

 So what I'm saying is this:  Until you know you, you'll wander aimlessly about this world just looking and behaving differently, but never accomplishing anything of note.  I, for one, decided some time ago that if I'm going to be different, as I seemingly was predestined to be, then I'm going to be different for a reason.  A purpose.  Not just different, but a difference.  Dig?  You can do things no one else can do.  There are gifts, talents, ideas, inspirations, dreams and all sorts of wild notions scratching and clawing beneath your exterior and I think you know it.  What's stopping you?  What holds you back?  You can be you in the most amazing way anyone could be.  But it takes courage.  It takes effort.  It takes (brace yourself for a four-letter word) WORK.  We all have a greatness inside somewhere.  It's impossible to be a human being and not possess some level of brilliance.  My advice to you:  Stop just dressing different.  BE different and BE AMAZING!  Next time we meet, I'll start telling you how.  Stick with me.  It's gonna be good.

                                  -Silas McBane

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